
Potluck/BBQ and General Meeting, Thursday, 2011 August 25 starting at 6pm @ Baroness Picnic Shelter, Indian Battle Park

It has been a while since we have made a posting to our blog.  Forgive us ... the summer has been busy!  That said, the CRCGA will be holding a General Meeting on Thursday, August 25 (in conjunction with a potluck/BBQ/social) at Baroness Picnic Shelter (located north of Fort Whoop Up in Indian Battle Park).  Please email our Membership Coordinator if you are planning to attend.  We simply ask the following:
  • every family brings their own main meal (e.g., meat to BBQ, etc.), beverages, utensils, condiments, plates and cups - much like a picnic;
  • every family brings one dish to share - a salad or a desert or some other dish.
The General Meeting will be brief, the most urgent issue being two proposed changes to our current bylaws as indicated below.  

We look forward to seeing all of you!
Your CRCGA Executive

PROPOSED CHANGES to the Current CRCGA Bylaws.

New Article:
Article 14 - University of Lethbridge Students' Union
I. The Association shall act in accordance with the constitution, bylaws, and policies of the University of Lethbridge Students' Union and University of Lethbridge unless otherwise approved by the General Assembly, and comply with the Alberta Human Rights Act at all times. The Association acknowledges that it may face de-ratification if a ULSU bylaw is contravened without authorization of the General Assembly.

Article 8.1 - Cosigning authority for all bank accounts will be held by three members of the Board of Directors: the President, Treasurer, and Membership Coordinator. At least one cosigning authority must be a continuing employee of the University of Lethbridge.