
How the Garden Grows! Plots are filling up!

Spring will soon be upon us and CampusRoots is gearing up for another fantastic gardening year.  As the Garden gets larger, the Board has decided to run our annual Orientation Meeting a little differently this year.  To accommodate more of our gardeners' schedules, we are running TWO orientation and registration meetings this year.   

Attendance at ONE (not both) of these meetings is mandatory for those wanting to garden with us whether you are a returning or new gardener:
  • Tuesday April 14th (evening, time and place to be announced)
  • Wednesday April 15th  (evening, time and place to be announced)
NOTE:  There will also be an informal and short, but mandatory, Garden Walk-through held at the garden in early May. More information on that will be coming out closer to the event.

In the past, returning gardeners have had first choice of the plots, after which new gardeners were offered what was still available. This was done by having the returning gardeners register first at the Orientation meeting. With running two Orientation meetings this year, that system simply won't work.

RETURNING gardeners: BY APRIL 7th, contact Courtney Lamb (Membership Coordinator) via CampusRoots  with your intention to return to CampusRoots.  A garden plot will be held tentatively subject to your attendance to one of the Orientation meetings and payment of all fees.   If you are not able to decide whether you are returning by April 7th , you are still welcome to come back and garden with us, but you will be offered one of the "unspoken for" plots along with the new gardeners (i.e., there is no guarantee of a plot let alone the one you gardened in last year).

NEW gardeners:  Email CampusRoots with your wish to be considered for a garden plot in the CampusRoots Garden.  Courtney will be in contact with you about your interest.

We, on the Board, are all very excited for the upcoming season and wish you all a fantastic and productive year. If there are any further questions with regards to membership and the upcoming Orientation, don't hesitate to ask.


Compost: Make it Hot and Break it Down. A three-part Permaculture workshop series

LSLA Workshop:  
Compost: Make it Hot and Break it Down. A three-part Permaculture workshop series 

Lethbridge Sustainable Living Association is putting on a composting workshop. 

Details are below.  Check out the promotional video:  

Workshop Dates: April 25th, August 1st, and October 17th, 2015.

Hosted by:

Josh Hellawell - http://www.synergypermaculture.ca
Tim Wickstrom - http://www.edibleearthscapes.ca

About the Workshop:
Learn how to build a three-bin composting system using recycled pallets and what materials to use to get the correct carbon to nitrogen ratio to get a hot compost. Learn how to monitor your compost pile temperature and how to adjust the temperature if needed. And finally learn how to turn your pile and prep it for winter. The workshops will be held at the Southside Permaculture Demonstration Garden.

To Register:

Registration is Free for LSLA (Lethbridge Sustainable Living Association) members or $10 for non-members. Added Bonus: Get a Free LSLA membership with your registration.

Register @ Umami Shop located at: 814 4th Ave South, Lethbridge: http://www.umamishop.ca/

Registration deadline is April 23rd and register soon as there are only 15 spots available.