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Soil. Good soil is absolutely fundamental to successful gardening. What is in the soil feeds the plants that feed us. But what makes the soil good?
In our second spring workshop and following from last year's workshop on soil, we will continue our quest to understand this most important ingredient of our garden. Justin and Angela Quinton from Down to Earth Labs Inc. will walk us through the characteristics of soil that we need to be aware of: texture, fertility, organic matter as well as the role of each relative to gardening and what we can do to "grow" our soil.
Date: Wednesday, February 13
Time: 7pm-9pm
University of Lethbridge, Anderson Hall Room#116
(print a campus map;
Anderson Hall (AH) is the BRIGHT green building next to Lots E and
Cost: Free
RSVP: campusroots@uleth.ca
Presenter: Justin & Angela Quinton

Justin and Angela Quinton have owned
Down to Earth Labs Inc. since 2010. Down to Earth Labs began life as Sandberg Labs approximately 30 years ago and specializes in tests on soil, plant tissue, water, compost and animal feed. In the summer of 2011, Down to Earth labs entered and won "The Challenge" contest, sponsored by the Globe and Mail and Telus, earning a $50,000 business grant and beating out over 800 other businesses. Down to Earth used that money to improve processes, become more enviromentally friendly and take better advantage of the latest technology.
Justin grew up on a farm south of Cardston. In his previous professional life he worked as a process auditor for Cisco Systems in San Jose, California. He has applied this experience to the lab, implementing
Lean Manufacturing principles, greatly improving the efficiency and accuracy of the lab processes. Justin recently received his Certified Crop Advisor accreditation.
Angela grew up in Fort McMurray. While living in California, she studied Classical Homeopathy and whole food nutrition in Santa Cruz. Both she and Justin greatly enjoyed gardening year round and purchasing much of their food directly off the farm. Shortly after returning to Canada in 2006, Angela worked for a season on an organic farm. They have recently purchased a little over an acre in Stirling and look forward to a giant garden this year.