
Garden Seminar: Composting; Saturday, September 28 @ 2pm, The CampusRoots Garden (Weather permitting)

Good soil doesn't just happen.  It is created by amending what we have with rich, composted vegetation. 

The Garden has 3 composters to help our garden community build compost for use in developing our garden plots.  Composting is not unlike cooking -- you need the correct ingredients in the correct proportions, mixed at the correct time.

So let's put those composters to use!  Come to this seminar and let's cook up some compost!

Presenter:  Leona Jacobs

Location:  The CampusRoots Garden (Parkway Drive)
Date:  Saturday, 2013 September 28 (Weather Permitting!)
Time:  2-3pm

Please NOTE: 
  • This seminar is open to the public. 
  • Public are asked to RSVP to campusroots@uleth.ca
  • Public will be asked to sign a waiver before being able to attend.


Its Back! Our "Fall into Spring" Garden Bulb Fundraiser!

In waning days of this summer, why not look forward to next spring … especially spring flowers!  As a fundraiser, the Campus Roots Community Garden Association is proud to be working with Vesey's Bulbs to bring you a selection of quality fall flower bulbs at great prices.  Funds raised will be used to complete the expansion of the campus community garden in 2014.
Fall bulbs are planted in the fall and are among the earliest blooming flowers in the spring. Bulbs are a fun and low-maintenance way to add colour and texture to your garden. They can even be grown in pots, both indoors and out, and are great for cut flowers. Returning year after year, bulbs make great naturalizers. 

Details on the fundraising program:
  • All bulbs are guaranteed to meet with your approval upon delivery
  • No additional shipping costs or taxes
  • Every package comes with planting information
  • 50% of total sales will help Campus Roots improve the campus community garden
Order and payment deadline:  Friday, September 27, 2013

  • Tulips: 12 for $12
  • Giant Daffodils: 15 for $15
  • Dutch Iris: 25 for $10
  • Giant Allium: 6 for $10
  • Snow Crocus: 35 for $12
  • Garlic: 2 heads for $10
Check out the full catalogueQuestions?  Want to place an order?  
Please contact us at campusroots@uleth.ca.


Promoting Local Food: Volunteers needed to help with Apple Picking

Lethbridge Fruit Pickers is looking for volunteers to help pick apples.  Volunteers pick the fruit and share the harvest with the owners of the trees all the while doing something to help the local food system.

You can offer you help as an individual or register a team of pickers (minimum of 5 people).  If you are interested, call Gil Leclair at 403-593-2030.

Read more about it in the Lethbridge Sun Times.

NOTE:  If interested in helping on the CampusRoots team, please email campusroots@uleth.ca.  The more the merrier!


Garden Workbee #1 on 2013 June 29 very successful -- Mu(l)ch was accomplished!

All of the gardens are looking beautiful!  A huge thank you to the 13 members who came to help tidy things up this morning. We picked weeds and mulched the pathways. It now looks amazing once again!
Thank you to Maureen at LadyBug Arborists for supplying the mulch.
A BIG thank you to the work bee committee for organizing it!

Stay tuned, there will definitely be more!





Videoconference: The New Face of Ancient Grains, Wednesday, 2013 May 1 @ 7pm, Crossings Branch Library (255 Britannia Blvd. W.)

This series is available via videoconference at the Lethbridge Public Library, Crossings Branch (255 Britannia Blvd. W; part of the Chinook High School) at the dates and times indicated on the poster.


Seed Exchange Guidelines

We will be hosting a seed exchange after the Orientation on April 10. We have lots of extra seeds, so there will be something for everyone! 

  1. Prepare your seeds for the exchange:
    • Divide your seeds into small envelopes or plastic bags prior to the exchange (we recommend 10-20 seeds per package).
    • Label each package or attach a note card with as much information as possible to help your fellow gardeners grow their new seeds successfully, such as:
      • Plant type (i.e. Green Beans - Bush)
      • Variety (if known)
      • Hybrid or open-pollinated (**Do not bring seeds you have collected from hybrid plants**)
      • Number of days until harvest (i.e. 60 days from transplant)
      • Planting guidelines (i.e. sow 6" apart, 1/2" deep in full sun)
      • Seed source (i.e. My garden or Vesey's)
      • Year purchased or harvested
      • Characteristics of the edible parts (i.e. Tomatoes - great slicers)
  2. When you arrive for the seed exchange, place your seeds on the appropriate table:
    • Cucubits: Cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, melons, etc.
    • Greens: Lettuce, brassicas (broccoli, cabbage, etc.), spinach, chard, collards
    • Herbs: Basil, chamomile, lemon grass, oregano, etc.
    • Legumes: Beans, peas, etc.
    • Roots: Beets, carrots, onions, radish, turnips, chives, etc.
    • Solanaceae: Tomato, pepper, etc.
    • Other: Corn, grains, flowers, etc.
  3. The seed exchange will work on the honour system. Please do not take more packages than you have brought, until it is announced that all donors have completed their exchange. If you did not bring seeds to exchange, please wait until we have announced that all donors have completed their exchange. 


Gardener Orientation: Wednesday, 2013 April 10 @ 7pm in UofL AH116

Orientation for both new and returning Campus Roots gardeners will be held on Wednesday, April 10 in Anderson Hall, Room #116 (where all our workshops have been held) starting at 7pm.

All gardeners must attend this orientation or make prior arrangements for orientation with the Membership Coordinator (campusroots@uleth.ca).


Membership Cards!  (and yes, they get you a discount at local garden centres!).

Plot rental fees are due by April 10.  Rentals not paid for by April 10, will be released to the waiting list of gardeners.  Why?  Simply put, we need to have your commitment in order to be able to release available plots to our waiting list before the gardening season actually begins. In the past, delays meant new gardeners could not take advantage of the full growing season and we think that is kind of unfair.

Requests for roto-tilling will only be accepted at the Orientation.
Seed Exchange! -- We always buy more seed than can be used in our respective gardens so bring along the extras and swap them with others!


Videoconference: Before Pesticides, Wednesday, 2013 April 3 @ 7pm, Crossing Branch Library (255 Britannia Blvd. W.)

This series is available via videoconference at the Lethbridge Public Library, Crossings Branch (255 Britannia Blvd. W; part of the Chinook High School) at the dates and times indicated on the poster.


Book your plot now ... only 6 plots left!

The Board of the CampusRoots Community Garden Association notes that, as of today, there are only 6 plots left:
  • 5 plots  of 4' X 10' (40 square feet) -- Rental = $10 PLUS Deposit of $40
  • 1 plot of 4' X 16' (64 square feet) -- Rental = $16 PLUS Deposit of $40
If you are interested in gardening with us, please contact campusroots@uleth.ca ASAP.

The Board

UofL Student Congress on Food Security; Saturday, 2013 March 23 @ 9am-1pm in UofL AH100

You are invited to attend, listen and participate in the first multi-level students’ presentation on:

- gender and food security

- migration and food security

- urban spaces and food security

Free admission with light refreshments

Date: Saturday, March 23, 2013
Time:  9:00am - 1:00pm
Location: University of Lethbridge, Anderson Hall Room#100 (Andy's Place

print a campus map; Anderson Hall (AH) is the BRIGHT green building next to Lots E and F; AH100 is at the south end of the building, nearest the Wellness Centre)

 For details contact:  Dr. Glenda Bonifacio (glenda.bonifacio@uleth.ca) or Dr. Trina Filan (trina.filan@uleth.ca)

Sponsors:  Women and Gender Studies Department, Department of Geography and Dean of Arts and Science

WORKSHOP: Getting the Jump on Gardening: Seed Starting Workshop; Leona Jacobs & Ashley Haughton, WEDNESDAY, March 27 @ 7pm, UofL AH116

Gardening season is now only a few weeks away.  Get a headstart on the season by starting your transplant crops now.

In a hands-on workshop (be prepared to get your hands dirty!), Leona and Ashley will take you through the basic principles of starting your own transplants from seeds.  A selection of seeds (tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, cucumber) will be available or you can bring your own seeds.  Seed pots and potting mixtures will be provided.

CAUTION:  This is a hands-on workshop; be prepared to get dirty!

Date: Wednesday, March 27
Time:  7-9pm
Location: University of Lethbridge, Anderson Hall Room#116
print a campus map; Anderson Hall (AH) is the BRIGHT green building next to Lots E and F)
COST:  Free


Leona Jacobs has been involved with CampusRoots since its inception, currently serving as a Director with responsibility for the website and coordinating workshops.  Having grown up on a farm with a large garden, she started gardening in her own backyard 20 years ago.  She has been starting her own transplants for the last three years.

Ashley Haughton has also been involved with the Campus Roots Community Garden since its inception and is currently Treasurer for the organization. She has been gardening for four years and can share what she has learned from the perspective of a new gardener.


Prairie Urban Garden (Workshop - Registration Required by Feb.20): Xeriscape Your Yard, Saturday, 2013 March 2 @ 9am, Lethbridge College, Cousins Science Centre

Prairie Urban Garden

Xeriscape Your Yard Workshop

Dear Gardening Enthusiast,
The Urban Team is pleased to invite you to their much anticipated and inspiring Xeriscape Your Yard Workshop on  Saturday, March 2nd.

Get a jump start to your garden design this spring with tips from garden design consultant Steve MacRae of Prairie Xeriscape Designs. Specializing in xeriscape, a method of landscaping that uses drought-tolerant, native plants that thrive in our dry prairie environment, Steve will take you through the 7 principles of xeriscape, assessing your soils and choosing the best plants for your yard.

Cost for the workshop is $60.   Space is limited to 15 participants, so make sure to secure your spot!
Please Register by February 20th

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Andrea Vaxvick, Program Coordinator
Oldman Watershed Council




Videoconference: More than Just Tomatoes, Wednesday, 2013 March 6 @ 7pm, Crossings Branch Library (255 Britannia Blvd. W.)

This series is available via videoconference at the Lethbridge Public Library, Crossings Branch (255 Britannia Blvd. W; part of the Chinook High School) at the dates and times indicated on the poster.


WORKSHOP: Healthy Soil = Healthy Food; Justin & Angela Quinton (Down to Earth Labs), WEDNESDAY, February 13 @7pm, UofL AH116

Click for The Story of Soil
Soil.  Good soil is absolutely fundamental to successful gardening.  What is in the soil feeds the plants that feed us.  But what makes the soil good?

In our second spring workshop and following from last year's workshop on soil, we will continue our quest to understand this most important ingredient of our garden.  Justin and Angela Quinton from Down to Earth Labs Inc. will walk us through the characteristics of soil that we need to be aware of:  texture, fertility, organic matter as well as the role of each relative to gardening and what we can do to "grow" our soil.

Date: Wednesday, February 13
Time: 7pm-9pm
Location: University of Lethbridge, Anderson Hall Room#116
(print a campus map; Anderson Hall (AH) is the BRIGHT green building next to Lots E and F)
Cost: Free
RSVP: campusroots@uleth.ca

Presenter:  Justin & Angela Quinton
Down to Earth Labs, Inc.
Justin and Angela Quinton have owned Down to Earth Labs Inc. since 2010.  Down to Earth Labs began life as Sandberg Labs approximately 30 years ago and specializes in tests on soil, plant tissue, water, compost and animal feed.  In the summer of 2011, Down to Earth labs entered and won "The Challenge" contest, sponsored by the Globe and Mail and Telus, earning a $50,000 business grant and beating out over 800 other businesses. Down to Earth used that money to improve processes, become more enviromentally friendly and take better advantage of the latest technology.

Justin grew up on a farm south of Cardston. In his previous professional life he worked as a process auditor for Cisco Systems in San Jose, California. He has applied this experience to the lab, implementing Lean Manufacturing principles, greatly improving the efficiency and accuracy of the lab processes. Justin recently received his Certified Crop Advisor accreditation.

Angela grew up in Fort McMurray. While living in California, she studied Classical Homeopathy and whole food nutrition in Santa Cruz. Both she and Justin greatly enjoyed gardening year round and purchasing much of their food directly off the farm. Shortly after returning to Canada in 2006, Angela worked for a season on an organic farm. They have recently purchased a little over an acre in Stirling and look forward to a giant garden this year.


WORKSHOP: Seeds -- Heirlooms to Hybrids with June Flanagan, WEDNESDAY, January 16 @7pm, UofL AH116

Ah, January!  With the holiday season behind you, it is now the time to dream about next summer's garden that will be.  To help you realize that dream garden, CampusRoots is pleased to welcome local horticulturalist and author, June Flanagan.  Join us as June explains what you need to know about seeds in order to grow tasty herbs and vegetables.  Learn the difference between heirlooms and hybrids.  Find out how to select, sow, and save seeds for the best varieties most suitable for southern Alberta gardens. 

As an extra bonus, June's fourth book, entitled Edible Plants for Prairie Gardens: The Best Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs will be available for sale and for signing by June.

Date: Wednesday, January 16
Time: 7pm-9pm
Location: University of Lethbridge, Anderson Hall Room#116
(print a campus map; Anderson Hall (AH) is the BRIGHT green building next to Lots E  and F)

Cost: Free
RSVP:  campusroots@uleth.ca


A passion for cultivating native North American plants led June Flanagan to earn a B.Sc. in Environmental Horticulture, followed by a M.Sc. in Plant Science.  Formerly a botanical garden specialist and research associate, she currently works as a freelance author, photographer and horticultural consultant.  Flanagan designed the Garden of Native Prairie Plants and related educational programs at the Galt Museum, and she is a frequent public speaker at horticultural events across the Canadian Prairies.  Her fourth book, Edible Plants for Prairie Gardens:  The Best Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs, is a complete guide to growing food with sustainable practices in our short-season climate.  She also wrote Native Plants for Prairie Gardens, and is co-author of The Prairie Gardener's Sourcebook and Garden of Serenity:  Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden.   

Presently, Flanagan has teamed up with John Bain, University of Lethbridge Professor of Biology, to revise Job Kuijt's popular guidebook, Common Coulee Plants of Southern Alberta, as a soon-to-be-released e-book with full colour photographs.