
WORKSHOP: Getting the Jump on Gardening: Seed Starting Workshop; Leona Jacobs & Ashley Haughton, WEDNESDAY, March 27 @ 7pm, UofL AH116

Gardening season is now only a few weeks away.  Get a headstart on the season by starting your transplant crops now.

In a hands-on workshop (be prepared to get your hands dirty!), Leona and Ashley will take you through the basic principles of starting your own transplants from seeds.  A selection of seeds (tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, cucumber) will be available or you can bring your own seeds.  Seed pots and potting mixtures will be provided.

CAUTION:  This is a hands-on workshop; be prepared to get dirty!

Date: Wednesday, March 27
Time:  7-9pm
Location: University of Lethbridge, Anderson Hall Room#116
print a campus map; Anderson Hall (AH) is the BRIGHT green building next to Lots E and F)
COST:  Free


Leona Jacobs has been involved with CampusRoots since its inception, currently serving as a Director with responsibility for the website and coordinating workshops.  Having grown up on a farm with a large garden, she started gardening in her own backyard 20 years ago.  She has been starting her own transplants for the last three years.

Ashley Haughton has also been involved with the Campus Roots Community Garden since its inception and is currently Treasurer for the organization. She has been gardening for four years and can share what she has learned from the perspective of a new gardener.

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