
Gardener Orientation: Wednesday, 2013 April 10 @ 7pm in UofL AH116

Orientation for both new and returning Campus Roots gardeners will be held on Wednesday, April 10 in Anderson Hall, Room #116 (where all our workshops have been held) starting at 7pm.

All gardeners must attend this orientation or make prior arrangements for orientation with the Membership Coordinator (campusroots@uleth.ca).


Membership Cards!  (and yes, they get you a discount at local garden centres!).

Plot rental fees are due by April 10.  Rentals not paid for by April 10, will be released to the waiting list of gardeners.  Why?  Simply put, we need to have your commitment in order to be able to release available plots to our waiting list before the gardening season actually begins. In the past, delays meant new gardeners could not take advantage of the full growing season and we think that is kind of unfair.

Requests for roto-tilling will only be accepted at the Orientation.
Seed Exchange! -- We always buy more seed than can be used in our respective gardens so bring along the extras and swap them with others!


Videoconference: Before Pesticides, Wednesday, 2013 April 3 @ 7pm, Crossing Branch Library (255 Britannia Blvd. W.)

This series is available via videoconference at the Lethbridge Public Library, Crossings Branch (255 Britannia Blvd. W; part of the Chinook High School) at the dates and times indicated on the poster.


Book your plot now ... only 6 plots left!

The Board of the CampusRoots Community Garden Association notes that, as of today, there are only 6 plots left:
  • 5 plots  of 4' X 10' (40 square feet) -- Rental = $10 PLUS Deposit of $40
  • 1 plot of 4' X 16' (64 square feet) -- Rental = $16 PLUS Deposit of $40
If you are interested in gardening with us, please contact campusroots@uleth.ca ASAP.

The Board

UofL Student Congress on Food Security; Saturday, 2013 March 23 @ 9am-1pm in UofL AH100

You are invited to attend, listen and participate in the first multi-level students’ presentation on:

- gender and food security

- migration and food security

- urban spaces and food security

Free admission with light refreshments

Date: Saturday, March 23, 2013
Time:  9:00am - 1:00pm
Location: University of Lethbridge, Anderson Hall Room#100 (Andy's Place

print a campus map; Anderson Hall (AH) is the BRIGHT green building next to Lots E and F; AH100 is at the south end of the building, nearest the Wellness Centre)

 For details contact:  Dr. Glenda Bonifacio (glenda.bonifacio@uleth.ca) or Dr. Trina Filan (trina.filan@uleth.ca)

Sponsors:  Women and Gender Studies Department, Department of Geography and Dean of Arts and Science

WORKSHOP: Getting the Jump on Gardening: Seed Starting Workshop; Leona Jacobs & Ashley Haughton, WEDNESDAY, March 27 @ 7pm, UofL AH116

Gardening season is now only a few weeks away.  Get a headstart on the season by starting your transplant crops now.

In a hands-on workshop (be prepared to get your hands dirty!), Leona and Ashley will take you through the basic principles of starting your own transplants from seeds.  A selection of seeds (tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, cucumber) will be available or you can bring your own seeds.  Seed pots and potting mixtures will be provided.

CAUTION:  This is a hands-on workshop; be prepared to get dirty!

Date: Wednesday, March 27
Time:  7-9pm
Location: University of Lethbridge, Anderson Hall Room#116
print a campus map; Anderson Hall (AH) is the BRIGHT green building next to Lots E and F)
COST:  Free


Leona Jacobs has been involved with CampusRoots since its inception, currently serving as a Director with responsibility for the website and coordinating workshops.  Having grown up on a farm with a large garden, she started gardening in her own backyard 20 years ago.  She has been starting her own transplants for the last three years.

Ashley Haughton has also been involved with the Campus Roots Community Garden since its inception and is currently Treasurer for the organization. She has been gardening for four years and can share what she has learned from the perspective of a new gardener.